I hope this email finds you well; a final Friday update for you, for this school year at least, following
a rather warm week in school.
Students and staff have done particularly well to cope with the heat themselves, particularly at our
Sports Days on Wednesday and Thursday. We decided to shorten the day significantly, with students going back to school after the first round of activities had been completed. Students were then able to have lunch on site and enjoy some much needed shade. I’m pleased that we were able to have a Sports Day of sorts, as I know many students look forward to this event, as well as the hard work staff put in, notably the PE Department, of course.
Curtailing the PE Days meant that the winners could not be announced. We will announce the
winners in celebration assemblies that are taking place over the coming days.
For students interested in filmmaking, there is a summer film school opportunity available; please
see the accompanying flyer for details. This is a free workshop for students with a hot lunch
The local authority has an innovative new programme called ‘safe streets, safe Homes’. This is a
multistrand programme working to end violence against women and girls, to ensure survivors receive the support they need at the earliest point, and build a strong community response to preventing this violence. The accompanying booklet shows the work Waltham Forest Council is doing to tackle violence against women and girls.
As I’m sure you are aware, the Met Office has issued a red extreme heat weather warning for
Monday and Tuesday of next week. As a result, we will monitor the situation over the weekend
and, if necessary, move to partial or full remote learning. In the event of partial remote learning
students will attend school for sessions 1 and 2, then be dismissed at lunch time.
For both partial and full remote learning options, we will of course have provisions in place for
students that need to remain on-site. Please get in contact, to let us know if your domestic
circumstances are such that your child can’t be supervised adequately at home, and you would like
for them to work here in school, in one of the air conditioned rooms that we do have available.
We would be most happy to help.
Please ensure you keep a close eye on the MyEd app on Monday morning; we will send a
message out to parents with information regarding the above, by 8am.
If we remain fully open or opt for partial remote learning, students may choose one of the following
options for uniform for Monday and Tuesday:
1. Students may leave their blazers at home, top buttons on shirts may also be undone; tie
and lanyard to be worn
2. PE top and shorts may be worn (not tracksuit bottoms) - lanyard to be worn
I would ask that other coats/hoodies etc. are not worn with either option please, as this
defeats the object of what we are trying to do.
If in school on Monday and Tuesday, we will ensure there is plenty of water available for students to drink. The usual reminders about sun cream, water bottles etc. also remain a high priority of course.
Unfortunately, also due to the extreme weather, we are postponing our Food Bank event; we will of
course endeavour to organise a new date for this event as soon as possible, and will be in touch with families once one has been set.
You should have now received a link to our Parent Survey, mentioned in my letter last week; we look forward to your responses.
Students finish for the summer holidays on Tuesday 19th July at 3.10pm. I hope families have a
wonderful summer holiday, and that there are not too many hold ups at airports for those travelling
internationally. Here are the key return dates for September:
■ Thursday 1st September and Friday 2nd September – Inset Days – staff only
■ Monday 5th September – Year 7 only
■ Tuesday 6th September – Years 8-11 return (all year groups in)
A number of staff are leaving us at the end of the year to move on to pastures new; we thank them
for the contribution they have made to Kelmscott over the years. I wouldn’t normally draw attention
to individual members of staff, but I feel it is important to acknowledge the departure of Tony Lines,
our Head of Sixth Form, who is retiring. Tony has given 36 years of service here at Kelmscott and is
much loved by staff and students alike. The pastoral care he has shown our students has been
nothing short of exceptional. I’m sure you join me in wishing Tony a long, and happy retirement.
A big thank you to our parents and carers, for the support you have shown us this year, in what has
been another challenging period. Despite those challenges, there have been many successes and
achievements; I look forward to continuing to work closely with you all, next year. I know some
families are relocating this summer themselves, I wish you every happiness for the future, you will
be missed.
Finally, well done to Petar Stefanov in 8C who amassed the most rewards points last week with 24, keep up the good work.
Yours sincerely
Mr Sam Jones