School Meals

At Kelmscott we believe in encouraging healthy eating. Our school meals are provided by our specialist catering partner called ‘The Pantry’. The Pantry only uses the best quality ingredients and suppliers, whilst trying to maintain an affordable meal price for all our students.
If your child is using the school canteen at lunchtime, they will have a choice of hot and cold meals from the daily menu, including at least 1 vegetarian choice.
Our menus rotate on a 3- weekly cycle. We offer breakfast, breaktime snacks and a hot meal at lunchtime.
Our meat is sourced from “halal” suppliers and is certified to HFA standards. All foods containing allergens are clearly labelled and information on these can be obtained from our Catering Manager.
On special occasions throughout the year, we hold “theme days” to mark historical achievements, events, religious celebrations and many other topical celebrations where the food offered is appropriate to the occasion.
Studies link eating healthy food to sustained levels of concentration in the classroom, so we strongly believe in ensuring all our students get access to a high quality healthy meal option not only to support their physical well-being but also their mental well-being and hopefully lead to better educational outcomes for all our students.
The cost of a lunchtime school meal is £2.70.
Prices for items available at breakfast and breaktime will vary but we have ensured that our menus accommodate all price points.
Prices vary for individual items, but students can purchase a £2.70 meal deal which includes a hot meal or alternative/ sandwich/baguette option with either a drink or dessert included within the price.
We believe it is very important that those students entitled to a free school meal take up their entitlement so positively encourage parents and carers to apply online - please see below for information on Free School Meals and a link to apply.
To make things as simple as possible, we operate a fully cashless payment system using your child's school lanyard which enables them to access their account and pay for food bought in the canteen.
Funds should always be topped up electronically from a linked ParentMail/MyEd account, enabling you to manage the amount of money your child has available to spend in the canteen.
Parents can top up students cards at
For details of how to set up your ParentMail account, please click on the link below.
Please allow 24 hours for this to register on your child’s account in school.
Please remember to add sufficient funds for additional purchases at breakfast and break should you wish your child to eat at these times.
Cash cannot be accepted in the canteen tills.
If your child gets free school meals a daily credit of £2.70 will be added to their account each school day.
This should be used to order their lunch. If they would like to purchase food for break time you will need to add credit to their ParentMail account.
Please note:
It has become apparent that the number of students going overdrawn for lunch has increased dramatically this school year. Overdrafts or lunch money loans will not be available from September 2023.
Should you experience financial difficulty, please provide your child with a packed lunch or apply for Free School Meals.
Free School Meals
If your child is eligible, or you believe they are eligible, to receive Free School Meals then you will be required to complete an application via the London Borough of Waltham Forest. If your child is entitled to receive Free School Meals then their school catering account will be credited with the appropriate amount on a daily basis.
To find out further details about this application process and a copy of the application form then please click on the link to access further information from the LBWF website.
The free school meal allowance can only be spent at lunchtime.
If your child wants to purchase food at break you will have to deposit additional funds to their catering account to enable them to do so.
As part of the Family Action National School Breakfast Programme, a free breakfast bagel will be available in the school playground between 8.00am - 8.15am daily for students in receipt of free school meals.