I hope this letter finds you and your families well. A Friday update for you at the end of week three
It’s been a very full and busy week here in school with many calendared events taking place. The
first of those was our first full governors meeting of the year, in person for the first time in 18
months, in our well ventilated, new canteen. We discussed the priorities for the year and governors
contributed to our strategic plan. We are very fortunate to have such a broad range of governors,
diverse in many different ways, who give up their time so freely, to support the school.
The second big event was our Year 11 Parents’ Evening that took place last night on the school site.
Many thanks to families who came along and engaged with this very valuable process. Thanks too
for respecting the health and safety expectations put in place for everyone’s safety. I hope Year 11
have heard the advice shared, and will now act upon it in the build up to the Autumn Exams in early November.
I am very conscious that families for other year groups are very keen to meet with key staff in
school. A reminder that Year 10 Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 21st October and Tutor/Parent Day for all year groups follows, soon after, on Friday 12th November.
The third event was a review of our Science Department by a Waltham Forest advisor, as tends to
happen periodically. He met with key staff, a range of students, as well as visiting lessons. I’m
pleased to report that he was very impressed with what he saw, validation of the great strides that
the department has made in recent years.
We have been contacted by a number of our Muslim families to confirm that the food in our canteen is Halal, which it most certainly is. As over 50% of our school community is Muslim, this is a very important priority for us.
It was great to see our football teams in action for the first time this week. Mixed fortunes for the
teams so far with Year 7 winning convincingly against Buxton in their first match for the school, but
Year 9 were not so fortunate losing out to Willowfield. Fantastic to see co-curricular activities taking
place again though, as they are very important to the very fabric of schools and young people’s
On the subject of co-curricular activities, we had an overwhelming response to our first Year 7 trip of the year, and I understand there was a lot of disappointment for those that missed out on a place. Places for this first trip were allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, however, sign-ups for future trips will be monitored to ensure that all students have a fair opportunity to attend at least one of our educational visits.
There has been only one case of Covid-19 in the school community this week, at the time of writing.
Please get in contact if there is anything we can help you with regarding your child’s education.
Yours sincerely
Mr Sam Jones