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Headteacher's Weekly Update 7 - Friday 18th October 2024

Writer's picture: Mr S. JonesMr S. Jones

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope this letter finds you and your families well; a Friday update for you at the end of our first half term.

As I reflect on the past seven weeks, I am very pleased with the start our community has made to this academic year. I have reason to be proud of each year group, I am blown away by the start Year 7 have made to their time with us, Year 8 and 9 have picked up where they left off last year, the start that Year 10 have made to their GCSE courses has been very good indeed, and Year 11 continue to set a very high bar in all that they do – a heartfelt well done to each year group.

It was a pleasure to see so many of our Year 7 families join us on Wednesday for the Year 7 Information Evening, an integral part of forging and cementing home/ school relationships.

Lots of opportunities in school this week as we’ve come to expect.

For those who follow our school ‘X’ Twitter @KelmscottSchool you will have seen our Climate Ambassadors braved the cold wet Monday morning to begin the first stage of planting in our new raised beds.  They identified the different components required to produce nutrient rich soil to support the growth of our new plants. They planted some lavender, chives, winter salad leaves and kale.  The next step will be making sure these plants survive the cold winter and are protected from the many foxes and insects in the garden. 

As part of the Kew Gardens Grow Wild Youth Grant, our students planted two new fruit trees at the front of the school. The students identified different species of trees native to the UK, recognising their importance to our ecosystem.  Students decided on a damson tree with the plan to use the fruits in cooking classes or share them with our school community.  They also seed bombed the front area of the school with a native wildflower meadow seed, which will aim to attract pollinators in the summer months.  We look forward to watching the progress of all their endeavours along with hopefully enjoying some of the ‘fruits’.  

The third session of "Ancient Myth and Modern Retellings" took place this Tuesday, featuring our Climate Ambassadors who guided the group on ways to "re-forest" Kelmscott School.  During this session, students brainstormed architectural designs that integrate the ancient myth of Erysichthon with the contemporary landscape of Walthamstow.  The workshop will culminate in a final session where students will present their ideas and creations, concluding with an evening showcase of the group's outstanding work, led by Dr. Efi Spentzou.

After our students impressed The Old Vic staff and workshop professionals so much last year students were excited to be given the opportunity to be part of the Old Vic After Schools Club project, given to only forty London schools again this year. 

On Wednesday, thirty students from Years 9-11 attended a performance of 'The Real Thing' at The Old Vic Theatre.  Students thoroughly enjoyed the performance and seeing the stage crew be part of the action with some great lighting effects.  They were also impressed by watching the characters use a 'retro' record player on stage.

Session one today saw the same group of students participate in a directing workshop, the facilitators from the Old Vic were very impressed by their knowledge of the play from watching the performance.  Great fun was had performing part of the script and learning creative techniques, something that the students can use in their lessons to develop their directing skills.  

Some of our Year 11 scientists visited  the Science Museum on  Wednesday to  participate in a careers workshop.  Students explored various possible careers in STEM, from medicine to different types of engineering.  It was extremely helpful to identify what skills were needed for certain careers with hands-on experience into a career as an "explainer".  Each student took turns to delve into the role demonstrating their ‘eggcellent’ egg drop trick.

Yesterday our Year 11 GCSE geographers were excited to be met by Aiden Potter, an Architect from John McAslan & Partners, who led a tour around the Kings Cross and Coal Drop Yard redevelopment.  Students heard about how the redevelopment is integral to maintaining London's global and national importance through its transport connections, and also providing home to corporations such as Google and Universal Music.  In the afternoon, students walked from Kings Cross to Euston to assess the historic Somers Town redevelopment.  They were asked to compare the two areas' economic, social, and environmental opportunities and challenges. 

I neglected to mention last week that fifty Year 7 students took part in a workshop that engages students with oracy-based activities and strategies, to develop greater self-confidence and resilience and support a successful transition to secondary school.  We are delighted to look forward to Year 11 taking part in a similar oracy-based workshop ‘Talk The Talk’ , Talk about the Future on Thursday 14th November, more about this after half term.

The MFL department looks forward to welcoming The French and The Spanish Theatre for onsite performances next half term.  On Tuesday 19th November The French Theatre will perform 'Prendre sa Revanche'' Taking Revenge'.  The deadline to purchase a ticket for this performance will be Friday 8th November.  The Spanish Theatre will perform 'Primera Cita'' First Date' on Wednesday 4th December.  The deadline to purchase tickets will be 18th November.  Students may purchase tickets for these very popular performances via MyED.  

A reminder from Ms Ridler now, that the Black History Month Creative Writing competition deadline is Thursday 31st October.  Just thirteen days to get your entries in.  Over half term these may be emailed to Ms Ridler or handed in, in person, on our return to school.  There are lots of prizes to be won please see here for more details.  Good luck!

Turning to sports now and our athletes have had a week full of exciting challenges.

The Year 9 football team had a tough game against George Mitchell on Thursday night.  The boys lost 5-1 against a very impressive team.  With a weakened team Kelmscott showed fantastic spirit in the first half but unfortunately were outplayed in the second.  A thorough debrief and the team are motivated and energised as they look forward to their next fixture.  Mr Howell’s Year 8 football team were also in action in our annual derby game against Willowfield.  Again this was a  tough game against a resilient group of Year 8s.  Kelmscott played some fantastic football in the first half and were up 2-1 at the break, however the second half was a different game.  With some inspired tactical decisions at half time Willowfield were victors at the final whistle.  Unlucky Year 8.

Our table tennis teams were in action, both the U13 and the U16 boys competing in tournaments.  Our U16 boys had so many close matches, drawing three of them, narrowly missing out on qualifying for the semi-finals.  Our U13 boys, made up of entirely Year 7 students, competed valiantly and qualified for the semi-finals,  narrowly missing out but giving a good account of themselves.  All the boys showed outstanding STORM characteristics throughout the competition.  Congratulations to our U13 team – Joel Guenther, Ronan Kelly, Mohammad Madadi and Ahmad Soyeb-Nurani and to our U16 team - Alex Velicu, Anthony Ungureanu, Abdur-Rahman Al-Islaami and  Zain Asghar.

Kelmscott female sports leaders were at Douglas Eyre this week to lead an introduction to football for girls from eight local Primary Schools across Year 3 and 4.  The sports leaders delivered three different drills including shooting, passing and running.  Our sports leaders were outstanding, delivering what was an exceptionally high standard of coaching.  The Primary School teachers had this to say about the session ‘The enthusiasm and encouragement from Kelmscott students is so heartwarming and really does make our girls want to do more, well done to Kelmscott Sports leaders’.  Well done indeed.

Ms Riaz, the Head of Year 11, has been in touch with Year 11 families to sign post the first set of Year 11 mock exams that begin on Monday 4th November.  Year 11s should be revising hard for them over the half term please.  School will be open on Monday of next week for certain subjects, individual students have been invited to various sessions, please check in with your child to see whether they need to be in school on the day.

Year 11 Progress Evening is taking place on the first Thursday back after the half term holiday, Thursday 31st October from 4.30pm until 7pm.  This is a very important evening for families, as we gear up for the mock exams, our expectation is that every family attend, such is the importance of meeting with subject teachers, to get some up-to-date feedback on how your child is progressing, in each of their subjects.

Year 11 Careers Advisor interviews started this week.  Our careers advisor will support students to explore  their career goals and the best steps to achieve them, whether through A-levels, vocational qualifications, or apprenticeships.

Students are encouraged to complete the reflective questionnaires on Xello to identify jobs that match their skills and interests. Those who complete these activities will be prioritised for interviews, so please remind your child to do this soon. Instructions for Xello are available on the Year 11 Google Classroom.  Students login to Xello using their Google details.

Sticking with the careers theme we were delighted to welcome fourteen different colleges and sixth forms to our Kelmscott College Roadshow this week.  It was very interesting to visit their stalls each vying to show our Year 11 students why they should choose them for next year. Several colleges visiting for the first time were highly impressed by the calibre of students at Kelmscott, praising their engagement and potential.

An important behaviour issue to pick up with you now that schools see from time to time. Occasionally, in high spirits, some of our students, pull down the trousers of other students, often in the PE changing rooms, for a joke.  The student who has their trousers pulled down never finds this funny, indeed it is usually humiliating for them and can lead to long term feelings of embarrassment or worse.  We have always taken this very seriously as a school, it nearly always results in a suspension from school or similar.

I feel duty bound to inform you that this could be construed as sexual harassment and could carry criminal repercussions under The Sexual Offences Act.  I would like you to discuss this with your child in order to make them aware of the situation. We have planned assemblies for students to make them fully aware after the half term holiday.  Hopefully, such incidents can become a thing of the past.

Wednesday was World Mental Health Day 2024 a day that raises awareness about mental health issues and promotes mental well-being for everyone around the world, something that we always prioritise here at Kelmscott of course.  This year the focus was on reducing stigma, improving access to mental health support, and encouraging people to prioritise their mental health. The day also emphasises the importance of creating supportive communities and ensuring that mental health services are available to those in need. By fostering open conversations and promoting education, the goal is to help people take care of their mental health and seek help when needed.  A reminder that we are always here for our community.  Our students can take advantage of our brilliant school counsellor and other wraparound care. Please reach out to your child’s Head of Year if you would like to find out more about these services.

Some opportunities to signpost now:

Browne Jacobson Law Virtual Insight Event on Tuesday, 29th October from 9:00am - 4:00pm for Year 11 students who are interested in a career in law.  For more information and to register your interest please see here.  

Black Leaders of the Future: PwC (PwC delivers high-quality services in Assurance, Tax, and Advisory, helping both organisations and individuals) Flying Start Degree Programmes Webinar on Wednesday, 23rd October from 5:00pm - 6:00pm.  For more information and to register your interest please see here.

London Screen Academy (LSA) mission is to diversify the screen industries, they hope to do this by reaching more young people who have traditionally been underrepresented within the screen industries. 

LSA are holding a small Open Event for prospective students, parents/carers from underrepresented ethnic groups, those eligible or on Free School Meals and those who have special educational needs.  The aim of this event is to give more information, not only about the film and TV industries, but how LSA supports young people by teaching them all they need to know for entering the industry and how we set them up for a successful future, regardless of their next step choices.  For more information and to register your interest please see here.

You will have received a MyEd message to inform you that we are considering a 3-night 4-day residential trip to Barcelona in March 2025, open to all students but primarily aimed at students studying Spanish, and KS4 students studying Art, CDA or Photography.  The guide price is currently £600 per student.  If you would be interested in your child attending this trip please complete the form that was attached to the MyEd message by midnight on Tuesday 29th October.  

A reminder to families that we have an extended half term, we return to school on Wednesday 30th October at the usual time.

A huge well done to the following students who topped the reward point charts for last week.  As an extra treat they took part in some pumpkin carving with our caterers, The Pantry, on Tuesday which was lovely to see.  Check our school X account for some photos taken on the day.  A particular well done to Caleb Every in 7S who topped the charts for the entire school last week with an impressive thirty-eight, keep up the good work.

  • Year  7, Caleb Every in 7S with 38 points

  • Year  8, Elsie Tulloch in 8K and Samuel Burnside in 8C with 28 points 

  • Year  9, Ana Calciu in 9K with 24 points 

  • Year 10, Samiul Isalm in 10K with 26 points

  • Year 11, a trio with 23 points, Ammarra Sarwar in 11M, Veselina Maystorova in 11K and Zara Ahmed in 11O.

With every good wish,

Mr Sam Jones 





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