Dear Parents/Carers
I hope this letter finds you and your families well at the end of our first, very warm, week of the new
academic year.
Can I start by saying thank you for your co-operation, support and patience at the beginning of the
week with our delayed start to the term. I was very pleased and relieved when the handover finally
took place on Tuesday afternoon. The English and SEND departments, along with a number of other departments that have moved into the vacated classrooms in the Lea Building, were working
exceptionally hard to unpack and be ready to welcome back our students.
It was lovely to welcome Year 7 for their first day on Wednesday, looking super smart in their new
uniforms. Having spent session one with their form-tutors, getting to know one another, touring the
school and sorting out timetables etc., they were trusted to navigate their own way around school for the remainder of the day. They rose to the challenge, showing great maturity, organisation and
resilience as they competently made their way to lessons. Year 11 prefects were on hand
throughout the day too, to provide support where needed. It is always very nice to see our older
students working so caringly with our youngest cohort. Year 7 have made a good first impression so far and demonstrate considerable talent and potential.
The rest of the school returned on Thursday and have settled back in very well. I shared some key
messages for the year at assemblies for each year group, first thing, and then learning began after
break time. Students have adapted very quickly to the new building names with minimal fuss and
bother. It was lovely to see students in our new building learning; feedback from students about
Willow Building has been very positive indeed.
Similarly, feedback on our new caterers, the new menu and the food they have been cooking has
been very positive too. Whilst there were some initial teething problems getting our large cohort
through the canteen in time, I hope this will be resolved next week. The food really is delicious; we
have definitely upped our game as a school in this regard. We plan to showcase some of the food at parental events in the coming months, so you can try it for yourself.
A reminder for you that we are completely cashless now, families must top up students’ cards
otherwise they will not be able to purchase food. Please reach out to us if you are experiencing any difficulties here and we will do our utmost to help.
The Leyton Family Hub in Queens Road is holding a family open day on Tuesday 12th September
from 3pm to 5.3pm, with activities for all ages and there’s no need to book. Please follow the links
for more information.
We work very closely with the leisure centre next door to the school, as you know, we use the sports facilities there during the school day. They have asked me to share details of a special membership offer for Kelmscott students that might be of interest. Improved health and fitness goes
hand-in-hand with academic success and definitely has my full support. Please see the attached
leaflet that explains more.
Our Safer Schools Police Officer, PC Owers, has asked me to share a letter too, outlining a campaign they are running to prevent students from falling victim to a robbery, of a mobile phone or similar.
I will share details next week of who has topped the rewards points charts for the first week of term.
You can track how your child is doing with reward points, via the MyEd app of course.
Please do not hesitate to get in contact if we can help you with any queries you may have about
your child’s education.
Mr Sam Jones