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Headteacher's Weekly Update - 1st July 2022

Writer's picture: Mr S. JonesMr S. Jones

I hope this letter finds you and your families well; a Friday update for you as always. School has felt a little quieter this week as Year 11 and 12 are no longer with us. Although we miss our eldest

students, it is nice to have more space and this quieter feel for the remaining three weeks, or so, of

the school year. A reminder to families, in case you missed it a few weeks ago, that the last day

for students this term is Tuesday 19th July, this will be a full school day, with students

finishing at 3.10pm.

During the summer holiday, the Local Authority has informed us that the successful Waltham Forest

Holiday Activity and Food Programme will be running again, for students entitled to free school

meals. The programme runs from the 25th July until the 19th August with a range of exciting

activities, and hot meals provided for all attendees. The feedback last year was very positive indeed from students who attended. Additionally, the East Summer School, which is a free programme for all students in all year groups, will be taking place at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park from 25th July to 5th August. Please see the information accompanying this letter for details of these summer opportunities.

We will also be running the Kelmscott Summer School during the summer holidays. This will be for a targeted group of current Year 7 students and a targeted group of new Year 7s. This too was very

popular last year; more information to follow for those families we are inviting.

A reminder that this Monday 4th July is an Inset Day, so students will be at home enjoying a

long weekend. Staff will be continuing our review of the curriculum we offer, in each subject, as well as beginning to plan the co-curricular opportunities for students next academic year, ranging from trips, to visits, to outside speakers and residentials – more to follow on that at the beginning of the new school year.

Next Wednesday we look forward to welcoming our new Year 7 cohort for Transition Day; I know

that our current students will make them feel very welcome.

A plea to families next please, as we move towards the end of the school year. If your child has had a growth spurt this year, and has outgrown their uniform, might you consider donating it to us here in school? Given the current cost of living crisis, such donations could be a huge support for

members of our community. Items can either be dropped off at reception or your child could hand it

to their form tutor or Head of Year. I thank you in advance.

This week saw the usual array of activities in school including a Geography fieldwork trip that was

somewhat spoiled by the rain, and the graduation for some of our Year 7 and 8 students from the

Scholars Programme. The Scholars Programme challenged students to think about written text

through the lens of literary theory, with six master classes to learn the theory and how to apply it.

The graduation was attended by the students and their parents, to celebrate their achievements; the

programme tutor commented that the graduation speeches were the best pieces of writing she had

marked out of all the schools she works with. I was thrilled to receive my bound copy of their essays

yesterday, the quality of which were of an exceptionally high level – very impressive indeed; well

done to all concerned.

Finally, congratulations to Alexander Wild in Year 8 who attained the most rewards points last week, with fifty seven points - keep up the good work.

Yours sincerely

Mr Sam Jones




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