I hope this letter finds you and your families well; a Friday update for you as always.
Year 11 have got off to a good start with their GCSE exams; their conduct during the exam, as well as coming in and out of the exam hall, has been first rate. We have everything crossed that they were able to give a good account of themselves. I know they will continue to work hard for the remainder of the exam season.
As families are aware, we have a small Sixth Form at Kelmscott, that supports students who may
need an extra year with us, for different reasons. Sadly, due to falling numbers these past few
years, we have taken the decision to close the Sixth Form at the end of this academic year. A formal, four-week consultation period will take place after the half term holiday, before the decision can be confirmed. Of course, we will work hard to support all of our students to find an appropriate college, or Sixth Form, in the future.
Coincidentally we received a link from the Borough this week to an online session that is taking place on 9th June 7.00pm-7.30pm, that provides support for families of SEND students in Year 11, on the transition to college or Sixth Form. Please contact school should you wish to receive the link.
Next Thursday 26th May, is our Year 8 Parents’ Evening, we are very much looking forward to seeing you all. In order to try to sharpen up the evening, we are moving back to an appointment system. Year 8 students have been given appointment sheets, they are expected to see their subject
teachers, to confirm an appointment time, for each of their subjects, on Thursday next week. These
events are really important, as we work together to maximise the success of all of our students.
On that theme, it was lovely to meet so many families for our first Parent Information Evening on
Wednesday this week. The evening was targeted at our EAL (English as an Additional Language)
families. Translators were provided, to ensure that important information could be shared easily,
with all families in attendance, about how they can best support us, to support our students. It was
a really enjoyable evening, and the start of some great relationships, with our families, that will really support students’ ongoing success in school. The presentation, shared with families on the night, will be available on our website, should it be of interest to others.
An update on the car parking challenges we have been experiencing this half term, following the
introduction of ANPR technology. The Leisure Centre have confirmed that there is a ten-minute
grace period for all cars entering the car park. Assuming cars leave the car park before the ten
minutes is up, they will not have to pay for parking, nor will they be issued with a fine. This should
allow families to drop students off safely. For the record, I have contacted the Local Authority, to
express my dissatisfaction with the new car parking arrangements, as it is not supportive of the
school, or our families.
Congratulations to Moss McSweeney in 8K who topped the reward points charts this week with
twenty-four, not the first time he has achieved this – well done and keep up the good work.
Finally, we will break up next Friday for the half-term holiday. It is a full school day with the usual
dismissal time of 3.10pm.
Yours sincerely
Mr Sam Jones