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Headteacher's Weekly Update - 8th July 2022

Writer's picture: Mr S. JonesMr S. Jones

I hope this letter finds you and your families well, a Friday update for you as always.

It was lovely to welcome our new Year 7s, for their Transition Day on Wednesday this week, as well as the Edinburgh students today. It’s our largest cohort yet with eight tutor groups required next

year, in Year 7, for the first time. We are looking forward to getting to know them in due course.

Years 8-10 did a great job of welcoming them, seeing Year 6s in school always generates much

excitement in our students, interestingly.

Two Geography field trips went out this week; the second of our Year 10 trips to Epping Forest, and the first of our Year 7 trips to Southend Beach and City - the second of which will go out on Monday.

As we approach the end of the school year, we would like to capture the views of students and

families, about their experience at Kelmscott this year. We adopt an Ofsted style questionnaire to

glean this information. Please look out for the link, in the coming days, via MyEd. Your responses

will be reviewed with interest, as we try to further improve our offer for your children.

A gentle reminder for families using our cashless catering system; please check account balances

regularly and keep them topped up with the appropriate funds to avoid going into debt. Please also ensure any current debt is cleared by the end of the school year. Thank you for your cooperation here.

The leadership team have been reviewing the Year 7 and 8 written reports this week, they are nearly ready to be shared with families via the MyEd app. It was pleasing to read about the many

successes, achievements, and progress in general, for students in those year groups.

We are very much looking forward to our Sports Days next week. I know Ms Mandozzi has written

to you separately, to share the detail and logistics for those days – please read this information

carefully. Please note the later arrival time to school for students taking part in Sports Day; they are

expected at 8.50am for a 9am registration. Students will be dismissed from Douglas Eyre at 2.15pm approximately, once the event has concluded. Fingers crossed for some nice weather.

On 19th July from 1.30pm to 4.00pm, in the school hall, we will be holding an open Food Bank for parents and carers. There will be a selection of food and household items; all items subject to

availability and strictly on a first-come first-served basis. No referral needed.

Can I take this opportunity to wish our Muslim families Eid Mubarak, as Eid-ul-Adha falls this

weekend. I hope you have a fantastic time celebrating with your nearest and dearest.

Given the recent successes of our national cricket team, Chingford Cricket Club have asked us to

share details of a camp they have running during the summer holidays, details of which accompany this letter.

Finally, well done to Abdullah Hussain in 7M who amassed the most rewards points last week with

twenty-five, keep up the good work.

Yours sincerely

Mr Sam Jones




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